Understanding AR Account Statements

AR statements are easily managed with the MyPMS system.When a Company is created, a corresponding AR Account is automatically setup in AR Accounts.

When a Direct Bill payment is applied to a booking in the Folio, then then a statement will automatically be created for Direct Bill payment with the guest details and amount.

The Statements displayed for each Company are listed by most recent date charge and will add to the current non-statemented Invoices.

From the AR page you can directly export a statement to PDF, XSL, CSV format or click on HTML and the system will open the statement in a new printer friendly window.

Statements (OPEN)

Statements will display OPEN Statements by default (See figure 1). To see all Statements click on Show Closed | Show All. (See figure 2)

Figure 1. Statements (OPEN)

Statements (CLOSED)

Statements which are shadowed are closed statements, they have been paid in full and have a zero balance. OPEN Statements show in black text and with a balance.

Figure 2. Statements (All)


Individual Statements

Each statement in list contains the bookings that are associated with the statement. All bookings that have not been associated to specific statement will be listed under "Non-Statemented Invoices". To see the individual bookings and to make payments to the statement, click on the statement and it will expand and display a summary of the bookings with the balance due. Here you can print the statement or enter payments. See AR Payments

Each Statement can be opened as HTML, EXCEL, CSV or printed to PDF.