Revenue Report: Use this report to track total income generated sorted by company, market, rate plan, source, or travel agent. The ADR (average daily rate) is the sum of Inventory Item RENT posted on folios, divided by the count of Room Nights and rounded to two decimal points. The 'Room revenue' is only the summary of the numbers posted to the Inventory Item: RENT (done at Night Audit or manually, depending on your setup). Non Room Revenue is the total of all charges on the folios Except the Item: RENT. Thus, if you have a 'Cancellation Fee' that is part of the Inventory Group: RENT this is still considered as 'Non Room Revenue' on the reports.

If you are posting Charges (Rent and/or other Charges) in advance of the current System Date (not common), then this posting will not be tallied as a normal operation would be. But the report date range will take any future posted folio Charges if the date range is included in the request. See: for further detail.


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