In the United States, most businesses charge tax that is exclusive of their rates, as they do not advertise taxed rates. If you do not charge tax, make sure the 'Use Tax' box(es) are set to "No". If you do Collect Tax, enter the percentage and make sure 'Use Tax' is set to 'Yes'. Regardless of if your prices are tax inclusive (common for Commonwealth and European countries) or exclusive (common North American countries) you must tick the box if you charge taxes. The inclusive or exclusive tax setting is on controlled via the "Prices include X Tax" flag via the "Yes" or "No" setting.
You must also select the correct GDS tax label from the dropdown menu. The label for taxes that you use for your website will not change. The GDS requires specific tax labels. Please choose the one that most closely resembles what you charge your tax for.
If you have a secondary tax, such as a bed tax or occupancy tax, the system can track this. If you do not have Secondary Tax, then leave this box blank. If you have a third or more tax or flat fee to add to a booking, use the add tax section.

'Apply Taxes to Deposits' is applicable only to the Booking Engine (ie, not through Global Booking Network sites) – if you wish to taxes to be applied to the deposit calculation for your online bookings, enable this setting..