Default Letters used for Self Check-in

There are three Letters that need to be created for the Self Check-in process. If you are using SMS, then you need to create three SMS Messages too.  To create or edit these Letters, see Self Check-in | Create Letters

Once you have created the Self Check-in Letters, they need to be selected as the Default Letters in SETUP | PARAMETERS | DEFAULT LETTERS. The Default Letter for Email is required for the Self Check process to function. The SMS Messaging is optional. To choose one or both of these as the delivery method, you simply need to select the Default Letter you created or the template provided in the respective drop-down list for Email or SMS. If you do not want to send an SMS message, then do not select a Letter in the drop-down menu and leave it on "Select Letter".

Remember, if you choose to the use SMS option, then you will need to create a separate SMS Letter.  For example, if you want to send the "Self Check-in" Letter via email and SMS, you would create two Letter Templates and select the respective Letters next to the Default Letter. "email and SMS" for each function.

Optionally, you can also schedule an additional "Self Check-in Start" Letter to be sent to the Guest before the check-in date using Auto Letters.

Complete these steps for each Default Letter. 


  1. "Self Check-in Complete" Letter Note: If you do not want to use SMS, then leave this drop-down menu on "Select Letter".
    1. Email: Select the Letter you created as the Default Letter in the drop-down menu next to "Self Check-in Start" Email.
    2. SMS: Select the Letter you created as the Default Letter in the drop-down menu next to "Self Check-in Start" SMS.
  2. "Self Check-in Complete" Letter Note: If you do not want to use SMS, then leave this drop-down menu on "Select Letter".
    1. Email: Select the Letter you created as the Default Letter in the drop-down menu next to "Self Check-in Complete" Email.
    2. SMS: Select the Letter you created as the Default Check-in Complete SMS Letter in the drop-down menu next to "Self Check-in Complete" SMS.
  3. "MyBooking Cancellation" Letter 

    1. Email: Select the Letter you use for Cancellation Confirmation in the drop-down menu next to "MyBooking Cancellation" Email.
    2. SMS: Select the Letter you created as the Default  Cancellation SMS Letter in the drop-down menu next to "MyBooking Cancellation" SMS.