To use Inventory, you must purchase the Point of Sale module. Inventory allows guests to buy additional items when they make room bookings. There is no commission over the value of Inventory Items, but you must pay a one-time fee to use this feature. Call +1-707-874-3922 ext. 201 to purchase the Point of Sale module to have the ability to sell Items, Packages, and collect Credit Card deposits automatically. If you do not want to buy this module, please skip this section.
When a guest has selected a Room to buy, they are asked to enter their contact details. If you have the Point of Sale module, a shopping cart appears at the bottom of this page. You can create Items with pictures, descriptions and prices.
Example for Cape Schanck Lightstation -

To add Inventory Items, you must first create a Group. For example, you might create 2 groups; Food and Tours. Then, you create the individual inventory offers. You can upload pictures and descriptions as well as pricing options. Again, there is no commission on the sale of Inventory Items.

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