To add a Credit Card Transaction follow these steps:
Red Asterisk * indicate a required field.
- Credit Card Number and Expiration Date: Enter the card number first and then expiration date. Enter both without any dashes, slashes, spaces or any other character that is not a number. The expiration is selected from seperate drop downs in the form of Month / Year. Once the number is entered, the system will automatically set the payment type to the credit card type entered and will be available as a payment type on the guests folio(s)
- If the contact information is not the credit card holders, the hotel may have trouble collecting on a no-show or late cancellation. Upon submission, the system will check to verify the validity of the card number.
- Credit Card Type: Choose type
- Auth Amount: Auth & Swipe Rates only apply to customers utilizing the MyCard payment gateway service. Customers who are not using the MyCard service will need to manually process credit cards through their merchant provided terminal.
- Click Save and the information will be saved, appear in the summary list and be accessible through the Manage Credit Cards link.