There are two Letters that need to be created for the Self Check-in process: "Self Check-in" and "Room Entry Information" Letters. Both need to have a delivery method selected, but only the "Self Check-in" Letters needs to be scheduled in Auto Letters
The "Self Check-in" Letter starts the self check-in process by automatically sending the Guest an email and/or SMS with a secure link to access MyBooking.This Letter MUST be scheduled for delivery ON or BEFORE the check-in date. The timing of this is up to you. If you want to start the check-in process before arrival and give the guest a chance to update booking details or cancel the booking, then schedule delivery before check-in. The Check-in function will only be enabled ON the Check-in date. Before this date, the Guest will ONLY be able to manage their booking. See
The "Room Entry Information" Letter contains your customized room entry information and instructions and is displayed to the guest in MyBookng and automatically sent to the Guest when self check-in is complete. This Letter DOES NOT need to be scheduled as it is automatically sent to the Guest when Check-in is complete. This Letter is set in Default Letters.
Remember, both of these Letters need to be set as the Default for Self Check-in Letters and the method of delivery selected, email and/or SMS. If you choose to the use SMS option, then you will need to create a separate SMS Template for each Letter. See Self Check-in | Default Letters
To schedule the timing of when the "Self Check-in" Letter is sent to the Guest ( before or on the check-in date) use Auto Letters.
See below for detailed instructions
Schedule Delivery for "Self Check-in" Letter
The Self Check-in Letter starts the self check-in process by sending the Guest an email and/or SMS. with the link to MyBooking. Set up an Auto Letter event to schedule Delivery.