Go to BOOKINGS | GROUP BOOKINGS to see a list of your Group Bookings.
From here you can open the group booking to manage details, add an individual booking or edit booking information.
To see a Group Booking on this List, there must already be a Group and Group Booking Set up.
To create a Group Booking with a new or preexisting Group, go to the Group Booking Wizard in the BOOKING TAB to create a Group Booking. Once the Group Booking has been created, it will appear in this list
You can choose any of the following options to create a sorted list to view your Group Bookings. Or, leave all fields blank and click List to see all Group Bookings.
Sort on: The choose how to you want to sort the list, by Group Name, Group Booking Title, Arrival or Departure Date or Status.
List: Click to see a list of ALL of your Group Bookings.
Once you have located the Group Booking, click on the Group name or See/Add Bookings to open the Group Booking Details and Add Bookings to the Group.
Group Bookings
The Group Booking List appears with the following information:
Group Bookings go to status complete in two scenarios: