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BookingCenter offers 3 different Booking Engines templates, all of which can be easily customized to your property. We have outlined the features of each below. To see how each Booking Engine looks with your property, go to SETUP | BOOKINGS | WEBSITE CODE. There will be three options listed. Click on the custom link provided to view your property in each Booking Engine.

The Booking Engine can be accessed using the  custom URL assigned to your poperty. This custom URL can be copied and pasted anywhere that you want a link to your Booking Engine, i.e. on your website, "Book Now" buttons, emails, social media, etc  Basically, anywhere that you want a link to your booking engine.

titleBooking Engine

Children Display
pageBooking Engine

For best practices, don't use a basic link to open up the BookingEngine, rather use our 'Quick Reservation Code' you (or your webmaster) can learn to place here.

titleBooking Engine
Children Displaypage

Booking Engine

Please sample the booking engine options and consider the pros/cons of each in order to help make an informed choice about which one is best for your property. Choose a Booking Engine from the three options below. 

To see how each Booking Engine looks with your property, go to SETUP | BOOKINGS | WEBSITE CODE. There will be three options listed. Click on the custom link provided to view your property in each Booking Engine. Please sample the booking engine options and consider the pros/cons of each in order to help make an informed choice about which one is best for your property.

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Multi Room Type Booking Engine (

This Booking Engine template is advertised at: and and allows a property who has multiple Room Types, with multiple Rates and Packages available for each Room, to offer a graphically-rich Booking Engine so their customers can book multiple rooms with multiple rate options.  Because more choices are available to the consumer, the interface is more complex. This Booking Engine can be accessed via a basic URL or a QuickReservation link.  

Single Room Type Booking Engine (

This Booking Engine template is similar to the Multi Room Booking Engine, but is designed to enable a consumer to book only one Room at a time (ie, book only one Queen room).  Because the options are less, the user experiences is less complex.  This Booking Engine can be accessed via a basic URL or a QuickReservation link as the Multi Room Type Booking Engine above. 

Legacy Booking Engine (

Our *Legacy* Booking Engine may be superior for some properties. It works for both Multi and Single Room needs, but is targeted to both needs, thus focused on neither. We provide sample code to facilitate HTML coding, and for folks who want a Quick Reservation feature, the Legacy Booking Engine uses a BookingCenter-hosted JavaScript file to assist with your date formatting. If the HTML is too complex for you - no worries! BookingCenter staff will do this work for you, or we'll assist your webmaster. Simply add a Support Ticket with the login ID and password for your website and we can place this code for you.

Making 'Quick Reservation' HTML for your website

Web traffic analysis shows that each page of a property website ought to have a clear 'call to action' accepting 'Arrival Date" and 'Departure Date' and, when submitted, the user gets availability results from the Booking Engine for those dates.  This saves the User a click and provides a 'Call to Action' on each page of your website.  Because BookingCenter supports three different Booking Engine technologies, the Quick Reservation code is a bit different among the Booking Engine templates we provide.  For more details, see