The ability to have guests accept Add-on Items before and during a Guest stay is an important way to enhance Guest satisfaction - and make additional revenue. One can have as many Add-on Items as desired, but often times, 'less is more' so only advertise a few at a time, is best merchandising advice. Any Item can be set to Sell at Self Check-In/Out=YES'. Also, if you have an Item set to sell online'=NO' and yet Sell at Self Check-In/Out=YES, that Item would not sell on your Booking Engine but would display online via the Self Check-in and/or out process. Add-on Items for Self Check-inFrom the time that a 'start Self Checkin' communication is sent, to the time the Guest actually checks-in, any Item(s) that have the flag set YES for Sell at Self Checkin are shown in the MyBookings area. Whatever is placed in the 'Sell cost' is what the 'per unit' price will be (and taxes are configurable per Item), with the 'description' text shown as the Add-on Item(s) displayed during Self Check-in and/or out. The images representing that Add-on Item(s) are taken from the 'image carousel' as any Item's images would be (as many as 10 images per Item are accepted). If you want 'more information' to display for Add-on Item(s), use the 'extended description' field of an Item(s) to add more text details about an Item. Here is the introductory text used when a Guest starts 'Self Check-in' (*note, they can close the option at any time or scroll through your list): "Welcome, we offer the following Add-Ons to make your stay better." Here are a few popular 'Self Check-in' Items our customers use: Add-on Items for Self Check-outThe MyBookings message to the Guest for Add-ons switches from Self Checkin to Self Checkout when the booking enters status: ACTIVE (ie, check-in occurs). When the System Date = Departure Date of the booking, and the Guest views the MyBookings area, the 'Introduction text' changes to: "We have enjoyed serving you and offer the following Add-Ons to show gratitude for your stay and to make your departure better." The Guest can choose to view Add-on Item(s) or close the window and proceed to Self Check-out. As an example, a booking that is set to depart on January 29 will show Self Check-out Add-on Items until the System Date is Jan 29, at which time MyBookings message changes as above. Here are a few popular 'Self Check-out' Items our customers use: Guest Interaction with Add-on ItemsAdd-on Items are available between the time of booking and once the booking has been 'checked in'. Add-on Checkout Items are available from the time the booking is 'active'(ie, checked in) until completion. Adding Add-on Items by a Guest:When a Guest sees an Item they wish to 'Add-on' they choose the Quantity and the 'Add' button, as such:
...and they then get a verification message, such as:
If they agree, the Item(s) are added to the Primary Folio of the booking. Payment must be done by staff at some point before Check out. Adding an Item during the Self Check-out process may make folio > or < $0, so the ability to self checkout will then be taken away and the message "Self Check-out is not available for this booking. Please visit the office or contact the property directly for more information at <Site email> or <Site phone>.) will show as a result of the Folio not being balanced. Clicking 'View Summary':
....will show all 'Add-on' Items added to the Folio, such as this example:
Only Items that are marked as Sell at Self Check-In/Out=YES will appear when the Guest views the 'Summary'. Thus, if you have manually placed a Folio charge, such as 'late arrival' fee that is not set a an Add-on Item, this will not show to Guest when viewing via the 'View Summary' area. Of course, all Items are placed onto the Folio immediately: Image Added |