The Manage Credit Cards function allows you to manage the credit card transactions for each booking. It is important to note that this area functions as a record keeping tool and WILL NOT process the credit card transactions unless you are signed up for our automated POS Credit Card Gateway or MyCard Customers who are not using the MyCard service will need to manually process credit cards through their merchant provided terminal. For more information or to setup the MyCard service please contact BookingCenter directly or go to The basic functionality of Manage Credit Cards is the same for both MyCard and non My Card users. However MyCard Users will also use the manage credit card area to take authorizations and process the transactions directly through MyPMS. MyCard users should follow the instructions for processing in MyCard There are two places where you can access the Manage Credit Cards function. Iin the Booking Data Tab of the booking or in the Folio Tab of the Booking. Both links will take you to the same Transaction list. These Credit Card Transactions will also appear in the Transactions Report if you have added the MyCard Credit Card module to your MyPMS. For more information or to setup the MyCard service please contact BookingCenter directly or go to View Credit Card Transactions for Guest Booking - To add a new transaction, manage credit card information and to view a list of credit card transactions for a guest:
- Go to the Booking Details of the Guest
- Go to the Booking Data Tab or Folio and then Manage Credit Cards.
- Click on the Manage Credit Cards link
- A new window opens with either Transaction history (figure. 1) for the guest or an empty list (figure.2).
- Note: If a User deletes a credit card from here, a log is entered on the Booking. But the log does not show any distinguishing characteristics of the cars that was deleted, except the TIME and DATE stamp of who deleted it. If you don't wish to have users add and/or delete credit cards, don't give them access to the Manage Credit Cards area.
You can then Manage the Credit Card Transactions or Add a new transaction.