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The Default Rates area displays a list of all of the Rate Plans you have created for your property. Here you can create a new Rate Plan and modify the Description of an existing Rate Plan, but any actual Rate changes must be done in Manage Rates and Manage Restrictions

Create as many Rate Plans as needed and then allocate these RatePlans to Room Types in the specific channel that you want to offer the Room Type/Rate Plan allocation ( see Manage Agent Relationships). Although each Room Type can only be assigned one default Rate Plan in the Room Type List (see  Room Types),  multiple Rate Plans can be allocated to the same Room Type for seasonal rates and promotions. See Agent Relationships and Promotions

When setting up a default Rate, think about the different  Room Types you offer and how the rate plans will apply. Once this default Rate is entered, you can manage rate changes and length-of-stay options in Manage Rates. After you have set up the Rate Plans, create the Room Types to associate with the default Rates.


titleDefault Rates

Page Tree
rootRates Tab


There are four types of Default Rates:

  • Parent Rate: A Parent Rate Plan is setup with unique Restrictions that is managed independently in Manage Rates. Add Single Parent Rate
  • Child Rate: A Child Rate is a rate plan that is setup under a Parent Rate Plan and "linked" to the Rate of the Parent Rate Plan. Any Child Rate can be allocated to your front desk, OTA/GDS, or website in Agent Allocations. By creating a Child Rate with a positive or negative percentage (%) or flat amount ($) linked to a Parent Rate, you can easily manage rate tiers automatically. Child Rates are typically used to give automatic discounts for special rates like AAA or to increase rates to individual channels like OTA or Agents. Add Child Rate.
  • Anchor
    Item Included Rate:
    this is a rate that can be sold that includes an Inventory Item with the rate. You must first create the Item to be sold with the rate, and make are the taxes applied to that Item are accurate. Then add that Item to the Rate, and choose whether to Add the Item Cost to the rate or not, and if the Item should recur each x days.  
    • Add Item Cost: NO (available via our Booking Engine only.  For MyPMS purposes to report on items book Rates for reporting purposes only - that do not affect pricing , - use the Meal Plan with Rate reporting tools Included Items for Reporting).  In this situation, the Rate will be booked at what is on the Rate Grid for the particular rate, and the Item added to the booking for tracking purposes and to report on the Folio.  The price for the Item will be $0 and will the quantity appearing on the Folio will be based on booking duration and the recur days value set for the Item. *Note: If the Item is included in the cost, taxes from the Item do not appear on the Folio, only the Item and its Quantity.  

When booking such a Rate with Include Item from a Booking Engine, the Item's description will appear in green color as "<Item Description> included" so the Guest knows the Item is included, as the example here shows:

    • Add Item Cost: YESIn this situation, the Rate will be booked at what is on the Rate Grid for the particular rate, and the Item (its cost and <possibly> its tax(es)) are added to the cost of the booking for tracking purposes and as charge(s) to the Folio.  The price for the Item will be what is setup for that Inventory Item and the quantity appearing on the Folio will be based on the booking duration and the recur days value set for the Item.

When booking a Rate with Included Item cost added from a Booking Engine, the Item description is apparent that it is required to book the rate (no option presented to the Guest to avoid the Item nor its cost), as the example here shows:

*Note: If the Item is added to the cost, taxes from the Item do appear on the Folio.

  • Long Term Rate: These rates are available in MyPMS only, they cannot be booked via OTA/GDS/Booking Engines.  The two charge intervals for Long Term Rates are:

charge intervals: Days: this value will make an entry from the Cost field for each '#of days' the booking lasts. For example, if one placed 30 in the Charge Interval, with a Cost of $1,000, then the booking would start with the arrival date, Jan 5 for example, and post the booking rate on Jan 5 as $1,000 and then for the next 29 days, the rate would be as $0 (thus Night Audit posts $0 to this Room each night).  Then, on Feb 4 (30 days after arrival) the rate of $1,000 gets posted again. As long as the booking lasts, this pattern persists.

charge intervals: Calendar Month: this value will make an entry from the Cost field for each 'calendar' date the booking lasts. For example, if one placed Calendar Month in the Charge Interval, with a Cost of $1,000, then the booking would start with the arrival date, Jan 5 for example, and post the booking rate on Jan 5 as $1,000 and then on Feb 5 (one calendar month after arrival) the rate of $1,000 gets posted again. All days in between, the rate would be as $0 (thus Night Audit posts $0 to this Room each night). As long as the booking lasts, this 'calendar month' booking pattern on the 5th of each month persists.

Use the "Group" field in the Default Rate Plan to group or categorize your Rate Plans for easier management and selection at the Front Desk when making a Group Booking or using "Booking by Inquiry" to create an individual Booking.

In the example below, The Queen Rate Plan is assigned to the Queen Room Type. This will appear as the standard rate plan for all Rooms in the Queen Room Type. To create a Special, discounted rate or package for the Queen Room Type, first create a new single rate or child rate and then allocate the additional rate plan in the Agent Allocations (RELATIONSHIPS | AGENT RELATIONSHIPS). See Agent Allocations. Or, in a Package. See Packages

  • Rate ID: Enter a unique Rate ID to identify this rate (For Example: QUEENBKF. The Rate Plan ID can be used to Report Revenue, Bookings Reports so be sure to use a Rate ID coding system that makes it easy to choose the rate plan from the Front Desk.). The  I.D. isfor Internal use only and will not be viewed by guests. I.D. must be alpha/numeric only. Do not use punctuation, symbols or hyphens. Use a max. of 10 Characters, 5 characters or less is preferred.
  • Description: Enter a short description or name for this rate.This will be visible in the Front Desk, Website and Folio Statements. - Ie. Queen Room - Breakfast Included.
  • Number of Guests: Enter the number adults that are included in the base occupancy rate for per person rates. 
  • Rate Type: Click on one of the two following radio buttons to indicate the rate type:
    • Per person - Indicates that this Rate includes the Number of Guests entered in the previous field and additional guests will be charge extra. In this example, the rate of $100 is for 1 person per Room.  It is common to set this a 2 guests at the nightly rate. For example, there is a base rate for the first 2 guests and then an additional guest rate. For Example, the first 2 guests pay $80 plus $12 for each additional guest up to the capacity of the room.
    • Flat rate - Indicates that this is a flat rate - any per person values will be ignored. It is a single price for all occupants up to the capacity of the room, i.e. $92 per night no matter how many guests.
  • Parent/Child: Parent Rates are the main rates and can have child rates set up underneath them. See Parent Rates and Child Rates
  • Adult Day: This is the primary weekday Rate for the Rate Plan.
  • Sort: this is the sort value for how the rates will show on both the Booking Engines and the MyPMS rate 'drop down' when your users view the rates available for a specific Type.  Sort order of 1 will be the first rate, 99 the last rate in the list.
  • Includes Breakfast: this option enables simple reporting for Meal Plans and other uses, as well as rates for users who are using OTAs such as, VRBO, Airbnb etc that require whether the rate is inclusive in breakfast or not.  This setting can be used for the Included Items Report to make reporting of inclusive Items easy to break out for tax purposes such as Bed and Breakfast. 
  • Anchor
    Recur Days
    This assures the Booking has the correct Quantity when booked for both reporting and tracking purposes.  It's often used in situations like cleaning fee or a meal, to be added for each x day of the stay.  If this is the case, choose how many Items for each day of the stay the Item should be added.  For example, if a cleaning fee is only needed to be attached to the booking once each 7 days, make the recur days as 7. For each 7 days of the booking, one additional 'cleaning Item' entry will be added and priced. Thus a 21-day booking would haveQuantity: 3 'cleaning fee' Items added to it when booked.
  • Closed to Arrival - This indicates the days that a Rate does not apply to a specific day as indicated by the default "NNNNNNN". This means that there are NOT any days closed to arrival and that this Rate is available every day of the week. There are 7 entries here (starting with Sunday) and a 'Y' means it IS closed, a 'N' means it is NOT closed. For example, if a rate could not arrive on Mondays and Wednesdays, the code would be NYNYNNN. This is useful if you are creating a rate plan for a package or a promotion, for example. See Packages and Promotional Codes
  • Net Rate and Derived : Used for Direct Connections to OTAs such as Expedia, Airbnb,, etc

Each Rate has 3 Price rules – Weekday, Weekend and Weekly or Extended Stay. This allows you to set different rates depending on the day of week and length of sta. Enter the Adult daily, weekly, and weekend per day rates.

  • Adult Day – Rate for week day nights.
  • Adult Weekend – Rate for weekend nights. To define a Weekend, go to SETUP | SETTINGS | GENERAL SETTINGS   and select the Weekend Nights (Fri, Sat and Sun) by choosing Yes.

  • Adult Week – Rate for stays of 7 nights or more If using Flat Rate stop now. If using Per-person Rate continue.

  • Extra Day: Applies to charge for the number guests greater than the base set in 'Number of Guests'. Enter the daily, weekly, and weekly per day rates for extra adults.
  • Child Day: Enter the daily, weekly, and weekly per day rates for children.
  • Infant Day: Enter the daily, weekly, and weekly per day rates for infants.

titleWhere will I see these Rates?

Default Rate Plans are used when making bookings from the Front Desk, Website, Online Channel Connections andAgents. The Rate Plan is only available to the Channel it is allocated to in Agent Relationships. Therefore, after the Rate Plan is setup, it must be allocated with the correct Room Type to the correct Channel in Agent Relationships. This includes Rate Plans available to the Front Desk when making a New Booking. The Rate Plan drop-down menu will only have the Rate Plans that have been allocated to the channel "MyPMS Front Desk" in Agent Relationships. Allocate all of the Rate Plans you want to make available to a particular Room Type in a specific Channel. Ie. If you want a RACK and a AAAavaialble for the Queen Room Type, then allocate the Queen Room Type with both Rate Plans.

When one clicks DELETE on a rate, if that Rate was used in any booking, then the rate will be set to INACTIVE and not actually deleted. This is because we can't actually delete a Rate if it was used to maintain a proper audit record.  If the rate was never used, it can be deleted.



