- requesting a connection to your property.
- The Room Types listed in Booking.com will then be mapped to the corresponding Room Types in BookingCenterand mapping.
For more details see, Booking.com Partner Help: How can I change channel manager?
STEP 2: Complete Mapping and Activate Connection (to be completed by BookingCenter)
BookingCenter will create a new Agent Channel - BKGDIR which will appear in Agent Relationships.See Booking.com | Agent Allocations
We will complete mapping in the BKGDIR Channel based on the Room Types and Rates mapped in your Booking.com Extranet. Please be sure that these are correct in your Booking.com Extranet. - While we are completing the mapping, you can check the status of the connection request in the Booking.com extranet under the "Channel Manager" link.
- Once mapping is complete, BookingCenter will confirm the connection and you will receive an email notification to activate the connection. See Step 5.
STEP 3: Activate Connection (to be completed by property)
You will receive email notification that the connection has been confirmed and given instructions on how to activate the XML connection. If you do not receive the email, you can still activate the connection by completing these steps |