If you DO NOT already have an account with Booking.com, then you must first complete enrollment with Booking.com.
We are here to assist, but please note that the initial steps for account setup are between your property and Booking.com.
Once you have completed the Booking.com enrollment, you will then complete the steps in Booking.com | Activate Connection.
If you already are enrolled with Booking.com, go to Booking.com | Activate Connection
Please follow the steps below to set up a new Booking.com account and direct connection to BookingCenter.
STEP 1: Create a support ticket with the Subject "Interested in Booking.com Direct Connection".
We will communicate any necessary clarifications, questions or issues to you on this ticket. Please do the same and we will have all correspondence in one place.
STEP 2: Set up an account with Booking.com If you already have a Booking.com account, continue to
To set up a Booking.com account:
Enroll directly with Booking.com via their Direct Connect Program by filling out the necessary paperwork found at: https://join.booking.com/
Work with your Booking.com Market Manager to complete required set-up information. BookingCenter cannot assist with this process. Booking.com will only work with the property directly until you have been accepted in their Direct Connect program.
Go to Step 3 for steps to be completed with the Market Manager.
STEP 3: Please complete these steps with the Booking.com Market Manager
NOTE: Once this is completed, the Booking.com team will activate the ‘Channel Manager’ link on your Booking.com extranet
STEP 4: Start the XML Signup Process in your Booking.com Extranet