Page tree Interface for Desktop PMS

  • Click 'Update Internet', as this BKGDIR agent will download to your 'Agents' area.  If you do not see the Agent, please note that on your support ticket. 
    1. At this point, BookingCenter will set up your agent in your software.
    2. BookingCenter will allocate the Room Types you matched (mapped) to the Room Descriptions to your BKGDIR agent.  All Room Types will distribute at 100%. 
    3. All Room Types will be matched with your Standard rates.  If you want the Room Types mapped to a different rate, please specify it on the support ticket.
    4. Once the process has been completed by BookingCenter, you will be asked to do another system upload.
    5. Please update the support ticket when this step has been completed. 
  • Meanwhile, BookingCenter and will be working to synchronize the Room Descriptions and the BookingCenter Room Type IDs.  If there are any issues, BookingCenter will update your support ticket.  Please tend to the task at your earliest convenience as any delay will delay the overall enrollment. 
  • Once mapping is confirmed by and shows as a “system pass”, you should receive a confirmation email from  In this confirmation, you will be asked to log into the extranet in order to activate the direct connection.  Once your property completes this step, please update the Support Ticket letting us know you have completed this step. 
  • We will also receive that confirmation and your support ticket will be updated and closed by BookingCenter.

Any issue you have with, please contact your Market Manager first.  If they direct you back to us, please comment on the initial support ticket that you opened for  Do not open a new support ticket.  







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